Market Street Bridge, Chattanooga, TN
The market street bridge over Tennessee river in Chattanooga,
Tennessee was completed in 1917. During a flood in December 1915
a large part of the construction was destroyed.
The bridge should have
opened when Harald was there. The bridge was also known for its high
construction price of one million dollars.
It was later renamed after the
Cherokee Chief John Ross. It was beatifully reconstructed in 2007.
Harald has many nice pictures from 1915 and 1916. Some have remarkable
level of detail. Note the lower sub-picture with the house-boat and boat
sign on the shore.
Wikipedia link to market stree bridge
Interesting facts and photos from the market street bridge project
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Market street bridge over tennessee river. 1916.
Market street bridge over Tennessee river. Approach spans showing cable and chute tower.(ca 1916)
Market street bridge, chattanooga, Tenn. 1916.(This may show the flooding destruction)
Olof Hagsand 2010
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